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Setting up a personalized email domain involves the following implementation steps, each of which are described in more detail in this article.  If you need technical assistance with any of these steps, please contact PaymentVision Support at

Responsible Party

Implementation Step


1. Set up sender authentication on your domain


2. Submit a sender certification request


3. Certify sender


4. Update any existing notification rules

Set up sender authentication on your domain

To set up Sender Authentication on your domain you will need to add a few records (a.k.a. DNS entries) to your domain host. Without these records Email Service Providers (e.g.; Gmail, iCloud, Yahoo) will not be able to authenticate your emails and, depending on the Email Service Provider (ESP) and the DMARC policy associated with your domain, this could result in emails getting flagged, delivered to the SPAM folder or rejected.

What is a domain host?

A domain host is an internet service that manages your domain name.

How do I know who my domain host is?

If you are unsure who your domain host is, you can use The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) tool to look it up.

What types of records do I need to add to my domain host?

You will need to add the following two types of TXT records to your domain host:

Record Type

Record Purpose


SPF is a protocol that enables ESPs to verify that the IP Address that an email originated from (in this case, ours) is an authorized sending point for the domain name in the From Address.  This protocol is effective against phishing attacks.  ESPs are much more likely to deliver an email when they can verify that it is coming from you.


DKIM is a protocol that enables ESPs to verify that the content within the email was written by you and has not been altered during transmission.  This protocol is effective against “man in the middle” attacks.  ESPs are much more likely to deliver an email when they can verify that you are responsible for its content.

How do I add a DNS record to my domain host?

There are several resources available on the internet that walk you through this.  Rather than re-invent the wheel, we have assembled the following help articles that describe how to add DNS records on a few popular domain hosts:

Note: If your domain host does not provide specific instructions for adding a SPF or DKIM record, follow the instructions for adding a TXT record and, in the case of SPF, check to make sure one does not already exist.  If it does, you will need to merge it with the new record value below.  We provide instructions on how to do this within this article.

What values do I need to use for each record type?

Record Type

Record Value


v=spf1 mx ~all



What if my domain already has a SPF record?

A domain can only have one SPF record.  Having more than one can negatively impact your reputation and email deliverability.  To add a SPF record, in cases where one already exists, you will need to merge them into a single record.

How do I merge SPF records?

To merge SPF records, you will need to add the following parts to your existing SPF record:



This tells ESPs that we are authorized to send email on behalf of your domain.  It needs to be added to the middle of your existing SPF record.

mx ~all

This tells ESPs to flag an email if it comes from a domain or IP Address not listed in the middle of the SPF record.

Here’s an example of how you would merge our SPF record with an existing one for Google Workspace.

Google Workspace v=spf1 ~all
PaymentVision v=spf1 mx ~all
Merged Record v=spf1 mx ~all

Note: The SPF standard is limited to a maximum of 10 domain references.  Please ensure that you do not exceed this limit when creating a merged SPF record.  As a reference, there are two domains within the Merged Record example above.

What if my domain host already has a DKIM record?

That’s okay.  Unlike SPF records, a domain host can have more than one DKIM record provided they are stored under unique selectors (a.k.a. host names).

What should I use as the host name for the above DKIM record?


Submit a sender certification request

You can submit a Sender Certification request via our ticketing system at  When submitting a Sender Certification request use the category “Sender Certification Request” and include the email address you would like us to certify in the Subject line.

Update existing notification rules

Once PaymentVision has certified your domain, you will need to update any existing notification rules to begin utilizing it as a Sender.


Once you have updated any existing notification rules, your email notifications have been optimized for delivery.